I can't believe i've stepped down.
It feels terribly surreal.
Haha, it feels like i'm going to go for band again.
Feels funny.
Yesterday was my last band practice. Thank you everyone for all the time and everything! I'll miss my time in band! Every single member made band special and many of my favourite memories were made in Band. I want to thank my section! I love you sexy clarinettists! To Jingyun, Eliza, Baohong, Fatin, Valerie, you guys were great! It's been fun leading the section together! To my juniors, Kimberly, Natalie, Cherie Chia, Yan Ru, Averil, Serena, Sarah, Joy, Christabelle, Xinhui, Vanessa, thank you all too! I've been really strict with you all at times. But i do hope that you guys will carry on and continue to excel! Bring the section to greater heights! To my 14 sec ones, please practice hard and make the seniors proud!
To my senior committee members, thanks for everything! we did it! and now we can happily step down! HAHA, and watch the new comm go through what we did! Thank you for all your support! I couldn't have done it without you!
To my sexy dawn, my lovely ex-Dumb Major. I couldn't have been an ex-Bflat Major without you! Your support helped pull me through (:
To all the ex-junior comm members, thanks for everything! you guys did a good job!
To the new comm, All the best!!
To Kelly, the new Dumb Major, have fun (:
To cherie, the new Bflat Major, also have fun and do your best (: that's the most important.
To Natalie and kimberly, my new SL and ASL, jiayou! You're the new leaders of the section! All the best! Be the next section of the year okay!
To all the rest of the people i didn't mentioned cause i'm awfully lazy. Clare, Chuying, shimin, grace tan, ruiann, blahblah, etc LAZY. thanks!
My juniors are so sweet! i love the photos and cards! thanks! that photo of me very ahma leh ):
Haha, after that band prac all the seniors went mad! we played all the instruments! Omg, i can play brass instruments!! I can play the trumpet, tuba! Horn i can't pitch at all. all the same note. Tharaani's trombone stinks really bad -.- Tuba ironically i can play the highest notes only. The low notes are suppose to be easier T.T i think it's cause i'm used to high notes from playing the clarinet. and i'm too short, i can barely reach the mouthpiece with ease T.T I can play the trumpet!!! I can't double-tongue though. Shimin damn pro! she first time play and she can blast on all the instruments! her lungs are damn power!! And she can double-tongue just like that!!
so we played and had loads of fun :D then went for lunch with dawn and shimin (:
Went home and had dinner with my uncle's family! Angus house! steak! Be prepared, loads of photos of food porn later (:
I still can't believe i'm stepping down T.T
Pictures of You
Pictures of Me
Hung up on your wall
For the World to see.

watermelon ball!

tenderloin steak!

ijconcertband <3ijclarinets <3
;milk &&cookies!
Today was Mr Leonard Tan's last visit to us ): Sigh, so sad!
I can't believe he's leaving AGAIN ):
Thank you for everything mr tan! He's lovely lame jokes were so cuteeee! I absolutely adore them! PORTato and POTARSSIUM! Sigh, so sad ): He's leaving again!!!
Hope he likes the joke book we gave him! heehee (:
Yesterday, went for the ACJC tune-in. And i'm more or less sure that i won't join JC band. We went there and sight-read. DISASTROUS. I couldn't play ): I should have listened to my tutor and practiced my chromatics! ohwell. And, cause of everyone playing around me. For the first time in a long time, I COULDN'T HEAR MYSELF AT ALL. REALLY. Unless i played wrong notes lah, then got the waves. BEATS! haha, but yeah, couldn't really hear myself T.T
Quite fun lah, but then... felt quite miserable cause i couldn't play. My sight-reading really sucks! Haha, ohwell. Two hours also a bit pathetic. Went outside to their canteen and took pictures. I think we disturbed a few people studying. sorry!
Gah. so embarrassing i tell you. NO I DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU HAHA. I shy. :D Basically, next time the essay comes out on 'An embarrassing experience', i'll definitely have something to write about.
Anyway, went on to bishan to eat banmian!! Then we went to buy mr tan's gift! HAHAHA, i don't know what was wrong with me, i just couldn't stop laughing! The jokes in the jokebooks were NOT funny, but i just kept laughing!
What's the noisiest pet?
Can i have your name?
Why? don't you already have one?
Bumped into clarise and took pictures! We wanted to take it in popular. we had our pose ready! AND THEN! we got chased out :D
Shimin so bad! She used those shock gadget things! and asked me to pull it T.T innocent me, pulled it. and got a horrible shock and a tingling finger! PAIN ):
HAHAHA, then went home with grace! She kept me laughing the whole way home! HAHA, we almost walked up the escalator that was rolling towards us! SHE'S MY LIMITED EDITION!
;milk &&cookies!