Comparisons are easily done
once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
And i still got the seed.
You're like an Indian Summer
in the middle of a winter
Like a hard candy with a surprise center
How do i get better
Once I've had the best
You said there's tons of fish in the water
So the water's I will test
When i'm with him
I'm thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if you were
the one to spend the night
Oh I wish i was looking into your eyes
Ah, exams are freaking screwed up. Got the format for english wrong due to to pure nervousness. Chinese paper was the hardest i've ever done! even O levels was easier ): SS was seriously horrible. Sigh, i think i will fail!
HAHAHA, CLAMBERRIES! chuying go eat clamberries! hahahaha :D after SS paper, me chuchu and yz went to mos burger and ate! hahaha, made a lot of noise heehee. NOT MY FAULT. chia yunzhu slam the glass door in my face -.- natural reflex to scream! hahahaha, stupid mos burger lady TSKED me cos my books were covering the table. WHAT KIND OF SERVICE IS THIS?! terrible! hahaha, okay laugh laugh laugh, made a lot of noise and yeah :D
I have swine flu phobia. I'm really getting quite scared. Imagine if i get it! And my mum might be going to the US. So scary! my dad was still planning to go visit my sister, i think he has to postpone it now. Of all years, it must be this year when i'm doing my O levels -.- haha, i'm hoping they stop school though :D can study at home. Swine flu is so scary. What if i die. hahahaha, i know i'm paranoid. Even my sister said that talking to me makes her depressed and makes her think she's going to die. hahaha, i feel like i'm nearing the end! i'm so pessimistic. HAHA, I KNOW LAH, YOU WILL MISS ME RIGHT. YEAH. HAHAHA, ESP MY 3 HUBBIES: ELIZA, MANWAH AND AVERIL!
haha, it's quite scary eh! level 5! the second highest. And to think IJ has already stopped assembly. The drastic moves are starting to make me panic. I mean, i don't really remember SARS and plus i was in Beijing at that time so i don't know how it was like here. I mean in Beijing, i was nearer to the epicentre, but somehow, i felt oddly safe. But with the swine flu, i somehow feel like there's no escape from it. It's like the apocalyspe. My sister needs to stop scaring me.
Okay, on a positive note, maybe i can skip my english tuition. My new english tutor is pyschotic T.T she's so scary and cranky! One moment she's smiling and the next she's berating me! i told her i want to learn how to write argumentative and expository cos i really don't know how to, and she started this long speech about how i won't use it for Os and how i should focus on my narrative instead for Os. And she seems to have a problem with my dad sending me to tuition?! and it's the first lesson -.- she was like, you should come urself, don't let your dad send you! Your dad spoils you! You should learn to take the bus, learn to be independent! yadda yadda, it was the first lesson, of course i would ask my dad to send me if not what if i get lost -.- my sense of direction is so poor! She's so scary.
Then I brought my english stuff that Miss Teo does, innocently thinking i could provide some resources. I didn't even think beyond that. However she looked deep into my actions and misunderstood me. She started to accuse and berate me -.- she was like, "You want to do it here so you make all the mistakes now, and then when you go to school and do it again you'll get all the right answers? Why do you want to give yourself a false impression that you're good? Why? I want you to make mistakes here, and make mistakes in the classroom and do it right for Os... YADDA YADDA" and i was so stunned i was just like, err okay...
She is freaky. She enjoys glaring/staring at me over her spectacles! She scares me ):
At first i said i wanted help on my essays. Then 15 minutes later i said i wanted to do work on comprehensions instead. Cos the exam was tomorrow and i felt that there wasn't much that can be done to salvage my essays in one day. So she was like, "EH GIRL, do you know what you want a not! 15 minutes ago you want... YADDA YADD" only after i explained to her my logic, then she stopped nagging -.- i swear she's the scariest teacher i've ever had. I don't mind a fierce and strict teacher, but she is just plain weird!!!
She kept saying how i don't need tuition and how my english is good. yeah right -.-
IJ FIESTA on 22nd of April! Open to public! anyone want to come? :D FUNFAIR!
;milk &&cookies!
Guess what.
It's true.
A banana is a berry! Go and search! it's true O.o the horror.
hahahaha! studied in school today with chuying and she told me how kiwis and bananas were berries. and of course, all of us laughed like mad. AWWW, KUUCHI KUUCHI. and then she told me about the hybrids between kiwis with bananas and peaches with apples! kinana and peapple!
so we laughed laughed laughed over it :D even called puitoot and yunzhu about it. tried calling grace but she never pick up luh! hahahaha end up chuying was really right -.- MR CUCUMBER! HAHAHA
on a happy note,
HAHA, happy birthday darling! kuuchi kuuchi!
HAHA, happy belated birthday to zhenxi also :D
i can't wait for my birthday! nc16 movie! whoo!
sigh, okay i should study. damnit.
;milk &&cookies!
i have learnt to wish upon an aeroplane.
imagine this.
Suddenly eliza and baohong come running past me, PUSHING ME OUT OF THE WAY IN THE PROCESS, and suddenly they shout and point like mad at the sky, and then they shut their eyes tightly and clasp their hands. And when i went to see what madness they were up to again, and i saw an aeroplane.
Yes. an aeroplane. Instead of wishing on shooting stars, they wish on aeroplanes. And baohong even told me that that plane was the 100th aeroplane.
Sometimes i worry for them. HAHAHA
Today was quite okay i guess. Boring lessons. Got scolded for making too much noise. whoops.
AH, Tang Quartet came today! the sexy violins! AH. i can melt. They were really good! the chords were perfectly in tune and the countermelody and holding notes came in really nicely. hahaha, while listening, i listened out for the cello and viola line. so pretty :D
While watching, i was reminded about how i broke a cello before. Was talking with friends. In my old school, then somehow someone fell, and alas! domino effect! we fell on top of each other and ultimately... on the cello! It kinda smashed into many pieces. Terrible right!
HAHA, had a nice chat with the sec 4 clarinets! i'll miss the section when i leave ): damn. I'll miss talking talking and talking!
Then kuuchi kuuchi-ed with dawn -.- HA, mine is higher pitch and faster! :D
ohgawd, it was so scary! the aunty at the drink store did the kuuchi kuuchi to me from behind me O.o gave me the shock of my life! THE BEST PART IS: I DON'T KNOW HER.
skipped physics remedial because of dental. AH. i'm going to do my braces after Os. ): sigh, i have to do surgery. have a tooth growing in an existing tooth. Have to do surgery. I'll be awake during the surgery. Save me. Then braces. Sigh. imagine i'll have to stay at home for weeks!
what a load of poop.
;milk &&cookies!
Guess what?
I went jogging in the morning! i managed to wake up (: i'm so proud of myself! haha, i woke up at 6.30am. MIND YOU A.M. EH :D haha, okay then brush teeth blahblah, and i went jogging! jogging in the morning is very nice (: especially cooling, and since i'm so sleepy, it's easier to get myself out of the house and walk towards to the park.
i ran 3.6 km! HAHA, okay i ran 2.8km consecutively, then walked one round and then ran another 2 rounds. so in all, i ran 3.6 km and walked+ran 4 km (:
Because i woke up so early, i fell asleep after showering. the bed was just too comfortable. i could hear it calling my name >.<
went out, bought presents.
One of the best books i've read, and still in the midst of finishing (almost done! :D) is The Child Called 'It' by Dave Peltzer. About child abuse. It's really captivating and very well written. It made me cry when i first read it ): how could a mother treat her son so badly! she made him eat shit (yeah, REAL poop), made him drink a mixture of ammonia and clorox(i think it was clorox), made him put his arms in that mixture until he had no skin on his arms. His mother even stabbed him once, and even tried to strangle him. Once, she even starved him for 10 days and another time she made him eat his vomit. The worst thing is she didn't even acknowledge him as her son. She called him 'The Boy' and when that became too personal, she called him 'It'. It's so sad ): what made me cry was that the whole family knew about it, but no one did anything about it. He even drank the ammonia solution in front of the dad, but the dad didn't do anything. His dad watched him eat the regurgitated food without a word. Another thing that made me cry was the fact that despite how his mother treated him, he still strove to please her, to make her proud of him. He wanted to be acknowledged by her, and he still forgave her ):
;milk &&cookies!
haha, happy 17th birthday! so old huh (: it's okay! we still love you! HAHAHA :D hope you like e presents :D wear e PINK shorts ah! (: i love it! HAHAHA
hahaha, i love e card! we pasted zac efron's photo on it! okay, daniel wu also but eeee! hahaha, i don't like. HAHA, i'm DO NOT advocate pon okay! HAHA, it was for the sake of my darling ruiann! hahahaha, BUT NO HARM LOOKING RIGHT :D HAHA ruiann open your eyes big and stare ah!
classes were quite boring. Mrs Tay started her lesson with a big bang by declaring we did badly for SPA ): not that i didn't expect it but okay. hahaha
Emaths was HAHA, funny (: first time Mr Fernandez laughed so much during a lesson! but it was nice
Yadda yadda, rest of the classes were not very interesting. but dearie me, i miss MR TEH ): HAHA, i'm starting to love amaths! awwww
haha, ENGLISH was nice! HAHAHA, Pride and Prejudice and the Zombies! (: ohman, tomorrow is my impromptu speech! eee! nervous ):
After school, fooled around and took photos (too bad yz had to rush off ): ), before going to study! gawd, I AM NOT EATING CRAP ANYMORE. NO MORE. hahaha, the snacks made me and chuchu sick ): bleah.
hahaha, started talking about my ducky earphones and how it had a long anus! TSK, notty chuchu! HAHAHA, gawd, 2 nauseous people talking and laughing our heads off!
chuying, me, grace, ruiann (:
grace and ruiann

;milk &&cookies!
i like this number.
HAHA, my 2.4! whoo!
hahah, okay e day started out okay. HAD MASS DANCE. hahaha! we walk to the left, we walk to the right, and we walk and we walk and we walk through the night! HAHAHA, okay, fooled around. talked nonsense with chuchu, yunzhu, puipui and grace! hahaha, OMG, HORNY IMELDA! HAHAHAH, awww, chuchu i love our new kiss wave thing! HAHAHA, okay i'm not making sense.
okay then we had PE! okay yeah 2.4 was bleah, but yeah :D after that, we had free time, cos we finished already, while some people in e class went to complete their 5 stations. So what did we do? we did what we did best. Talk. HAHAH, so the 10 of us i think? talked about JCs, first crushes, ccas and yeah. :D YAY, me and grace, VJC AH! hahaha, ohgawd, talking about erics, michaels and gideons in the hot sun :D
Then we had Chem, which was swapped with phy. so then RECESS. the hot cross buns were interesting, first time i ate something like that.
studied with my dada today :D HAHA, love you too chuchu. studied, talked, organised my thoughts :D
gah, my legs are aching. but it's a good start. considering i haven't really ran for the last 2 weeks, i still have some hope i think. i shall run. so HA.
excuse me AHEM, i am innocent, just like my name suggest, angel of light :D HOHOHO, angesdelumiere. don't know what's that? go learn french (: and i do NOT talk about BLACK p*ds! TSK, you ahem came in between me and dawn! dawn! how could you break my heart! you chose AHEM over me ): YOU SHATTERED MY OHSOFRAGILE HEART and STOMPED ALL OVER IT into microscopic pieces! both of you AHEMs broke my heart ): HAHA
bleah, i need to study.
HAHA, eat first then study :D
will chocolate cake do?
;milk &&cookies!
I love e holiday! okay, this is such a brief break it doesn't qualify as one but still. i love it!
haha, yesterday, good friday, i went out with my sister and maid to... UNIQLO. the clothes and jeans are lovely! the jeans, THE WHOLE SHELF OF IT, are veryvery comfortable! HAHAHA, i bought 2 :D okay what's wrong with me! do i have a a fetish for jeans?! anyway e shirts are very adorable too :D this was the first time, i actually had to QUEUE up to get into a store. The line to the fitting room was super long as well. Thank goodness we went early, when we left, the queue to get into the short had doubled!
Today, is a nice wet day. I love rainy days. Nice and cooling. Okay it was bloody hot in the morning but it rained.
Woke up super early, 8am (early to me), and went for an X-ray! i wonder how many cells i killed :D it was quite fun actually. hahaha, after that went home, TRIED to do some emaths, and promptly fell asleep on my ohsosoft bed. HAHA, slept from 11 all the way to 1 :D
gah, my throat hurts ): and i don't know why. did i swallow something wrongly?
sigh, i'm still waiting for someone to let me hear a proper recording of our syf! where is it?!
gah, went on sgbandfusion to see e SYF photos. GAH, i have so many unglam photos on it! WHY AM I THERE!?
bleah, shall go do more emaths.
oh, what joy.
;milk &&cookies!
i talked to mr leonard tan! ahh! LOVELOVEEEEE
haha, it was through facebook chat :D awww, he was so sweet and nice. He told me that he was very proud of all the band members and of me too. AHH, i told him about how my hair dropped quite a bit during e SYF period and everything. We were also talking about the weather and how it's really cold there now :D 2 degrees! And he was really sweet about everything! this whole week of waiting for him to come online on facebook paid off! THE WONDERS OF FACEBOOK, no wonder i'm an addict.
However i'm so sad! before i got to save the conversation, FACEBOOK REFRESHED THE CHAT HISTORY AT 12AM SO I COULDN'T SAVE IT. DAMNIT. ): heartbreak.
I studied in school today! 3 hours of solid work! whoo! amaths & emaths! haha, awww, so proud of myself. HAHA, me and chuchu (HAHAHA, CHORD!) took some pictures! hahaha, WE WERE TRYING TO DO IT DISCREETLY. HAHA, shimin don't kill me.
shimin and viviana! awwww! HAHA, ignore me and my ducky headphones.
close up on the 2 of them! hahaha, so cute! again, ignore my ear.
Yeah, UNIQLO IS OPENED. shall go down tmr :D shopping. whee!
): going to do braces soon. Cause my teeth is too neat. it's going to take longer. 3 pathetic years.
OMG, today's hhf was hilarious! HAHAHA, the zombie move!
"The michael jackson zombie move is so over" THE DANCE INSTRUCTOR SAID THAT TO ME. GAHH. it's not my fault i'm not flexible! i can't dance for nuts :D HAHA, i can't do a body roll! i look like a wooden plank luh! HAHA, BUT NOT ONLY ME OKAY.
HAHA, ENGLISH SPEECHES WERE HILARIOUS. awww! poor shishi got ageism :D poor thing! kuuchi kuuchi! i still love you! hahah, nga's was superb. HAHA, NARCISSUS = NGASISSUS :D I'M XIN-ISTER! HAHAHAHA
i shall work hard. work my bum off. and get into my dream jc. VJC. YES. I CAN DO IT. YES YOU CAN DO IT XINHUI.
;milk &&cookies!
Today i finally heard st patricks! and i finally understand why people praise like nuts.
they were good.
VERY good.
Their overture was disappointing. VERY disappointing. The clarinets had a strange interpretation which i didn't like for C. but well, they sounded good too. The trumpets at G was again disappointing. I expected more. It sounded... too safe. haha, like they were being overly cautious. i don't know.
But El Camino Real was FABULOUS. i swear fabulous. It was veryvery good! the horns were just screaming their running notes out. the first clarinet had high notes that sound like pearls! the snare had the perfect roll! and the oboe. Oh the lovely oboe. The oboe had such a perfect toneee! it was like a saxophone/clarinet hybrid thing. It was so lovelyyy! i swear i'm in love with the oboist! it sounded so niceee! It gave me goosebumps!
haha, omg, on the way home it was so embarrassing! KIMMMM! AFTER YOU LEFT TSK. ahh! i felt so guilty after that! OHMAN, okay shall not talk about it! i saw zhenxi and someone else on the way home. all i shall say is i LOVE BUS 53.
GAH, i studied till 1am last night for phy test ): and it was changed to a phy assignment! why didn't mr yap say earlier ): damn.
i hope there are more free periods tomorrow :D today's free periods were fun :D si min :D HAHAHA, omg, i tell you, i am keeping my surname okay! TAY xinhui and not any other surname. TAY TAY TAY TAY TAY
;milk &&cookies!
This is terrible. i shouldn't be here. But i'm here. okay, i'll just continue. HOHOHO
Today we had the career seminar! It was quite exciting at some parts :D i liked the one on pilots! vanessa ess! One of Singapore's 6 female pilots is an ex-IJ girl! GO IJ! It sounds really exciting ehhh! But then it made me realised how sexist singapore is! Singapore Airlines still DOES NOT hire female pilots! HOW SEXIST IS THAT! and we claim to be an advanced country! huh!
The talk by the girl from RJC inspired me to study hard! i will okay! right after i turn off the computer :D
Medical was a bit boring... I wish she talked more about her experiences instead of how you have to study and blahblah and the qualifications. I mean if i really want to know that i'll just google it -.- or go ask my cousin :D
Photojournalism was really interesting! i love the pictures that she showed us, and seriously, i feel like i can go into that profession. But then again i love taking photos, but i suck at it :D but it sounds so fun and exciting! and you get to take such beautiful shots! perhaps i'll ask grace to teach me how to use e camera properly when she's back :D It was the most interesting talk in my opinion, too bad it was quite short due to constraints in time.
then we had some talk about professionalism in the office blahblah, how you must act when you're in a job blahblah. THE SHEER IRONY I SWEAR. Here's this lady trying to tell us how to behave properly in a job and she's being so rude and using singlish and being so uncouth! I swear, she is the worst speaker i've heard. I mean yeah, you're trying to get your point across, but after all you are here for a seminar, as a speaker!
The other talk was strange. can't rmbr much about the last one. some college counsellor.
Somehow today's seminar makes the future seem to stifling. It's like i have to study forever. gah. And i don't know, it makes everything seem so near all of a sudden. I really must work hard.
Then went back to class, HIGHER CHINESE CANCELLED! HAHA, poor 4/3 still had SS :D awwww monica! hahaha!
bleah, shall go study my phy now. phy test tmr ): damn.
;milk &&cookies!
Went out with shimin, dawn and grace today :D TO STUDY :D CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I STUDY. HAHA
Okay so anyway, went to bishan library. Like usual, i was late :D so anyway there were no seats so we were sitting on the floor ): so sad luh. haha, so because of that we couldn't concentrate and as a result, we kept talking! haha (:
then after doing a little bit of work, went for BANMIAN at the foodcourt. NICE. HAHA, omg, i saw a yuefeng lookalike! haha, okay fine i insist it is, but dawn doesn't think so. TRUST MY EYES. HAHA
then we studied a bit more. then we talked a whole lot more. and we got shushed twice by the librarians ): WHY DO I ALWAYS GET SHUSHED HUHH! then camwhored a little then talked more then did some work :D HAHA, DAWN SAID MY PERSONALITY IS ONE-OF-A-KIND! HAHA, tsk, grace tan ah, don't talk nonsense! tsk. tsk, she went home to SLEEP after that. tsk.
Did a bit of biology and maths, i'm so proud of myself! haha, i fell asleep though. was messaging chuchu half-way and i fell asleep -.- hahaha
it felt so weird to have my saturday free though... It was refreshing but i kind of miss band alr ):
and i miss mr tan too ): sigh, i miss himmmmmm.
I really want to slap some people. so irritating ): my heart broke when i heard.
grace and shishi
me and sis.

shimin the money ghost.
grace and me :D
ohsopretty balloons (:
;milk &&cookies!