WHOO, i can still rmbr what the emcee said..
band no. 11, CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh)....
we worked so hard, and slogged our hearts out and it was all worth it (:
getting results is the worst thing ever. I wanted to pull out my hair already. i was quite demoralised and all, and actually expected worse. I was hoping for a miracle!
and it came (:
great job everyone!
haha, next batch ah, GOLD WITH HONOURS AH :D haha, okay jokingjoking!
haha, but then again we couldn't have done it alone!
Thank you to all our conductors (the 2 Mr Tans <3,>
finally my hair can grow back, and my pimples will disappear (:
ah, this feeling of being stress-free is nice :D
Good luck to all the other bands! do your best eh!
sigh, i actually want to go down to SCH to watch tmr, but i have PFT 5 items! i might go on thursday with chuchu! anyone want to join us! i want to hear st. andrews! since hearing them last year, i've been yearning to hear their band again. their clarinets are POWER.
i miss youuu! haha, i shall not say who. some of you may know who.
I was thinking of him all the way home today ): i felt so nostalgic! GAHHH.
i can't help but miss youuu ):
;milk &&cookies!
It's Friday again! everyone rejoice!
Today was Biology O lvl SPA. i think i messed up big time.
Sigh, i dont know luh ): we were told NOT to pour back solutions into the container to prevent contamination! but then when i asked for more sulphuric acid, i was told that i SHOULD pour back the solution to prevent wastage. SHE SAID SHE COULD PENALISE ME FOR WASTING THE SOLUTION! why can't teachers standardise ): AHHH, i don't want to flunk my SPA ):
HAHA, i am so happy :D if you know why, GOOD FOR YOU :D HAHAHA i got higher compre marks than SOME PEOPLE :D HAHAHA, okay it was a borderline pass. OKAY i passed by one measly mark BUT STILL. HAHAHA, i feel so accomplished. okay this is mean. whoops.
Changed seats ): no more ANEONGHASEYO with jiyeon and yunzhu! ): sitting with gisela :D sigh, means i'll have to be awake when SOMEBODY walks in. Even if i take a nap BEFORE her lesson, if seen by her, i'll be in hot boiling soup. bleah.
I need to stop falling asleep all over the place ): i fell asleep with the lights on for 3 times in a row already! and this morning i did it again and i packed my bag in the morning. As a result, i left my english speech and calculator at home. Lucky i didn't have to say my speech :D
Amaths test was a fluke. I DIDNT STUDY. I FORGOT :D
I THINK I'M TOO GORGEOUS OR SMTH. HAHA, old uncles are attracted to me! today i was at the bus stop waiting for my bus. AND some strange uncle started talking to meee! i mean he was nice, but UHH. he started asking why i take amaths and phy ( i was holding my txtbk), what is my purpose in taking those subjects. then when i said i don't know, he was like you must know what you are taking, if not you are wasting your time yadda yadda. then he started telling me that triple science is for lawyers and how they can twist and turn facts. and the reason they can do that is because they don't learn latin -.- cos latin is a language which you cannot twist and turn -.- then he talked about sajc and how it used to be alexandra road... then he also could tell i was from the convent and all. NICE UNCLE BUT UHHH.... weird. HAHA, I MUST BE TOO IRRESISTABLE LAH, IF NOT WHY DO THEY WANT TO TALK TO ME. this isn't the first time mind you :D
HAHA, shimin's favourite colour is... HAHA, you are so going to kill me for this :D awww PINK. HAHA, PINK
whoo! ponyhair group! HAHA, I FEEL SO YOUNG. ME AND JR COMM :D
;milk &&cookies!
clean kim and DIRTY me
senior comm and googoo :D
I'm back from Band camp :D
You should have seen how i went for band camp. i looked terrible. i had my camp stuff. AND a bass clarinet on my back! and it rained. and i didn't bring an umbrella. smart eh?
Before i went for camp i actually went to go send the bass clarinet for repair. And gdness, the repair place (windworks) is really really isolated. I mean it's ulu. It's very quiet there. I can imagine it being a really unsafe place at night. Yeah, but on the way there it was drizzling. and i smart lah, never bring umbrella again. by the time i left the place, it was POURING. i mean it, it was raining like there was no tmr. So i ran in the rain, had to rush home to pack for camp. So there i was, with a big bulky black thing which resembled a bomb, and looking as though i went swimming. I understand why big instruments don't bring home their instruments to practice. After carrying the bass clarinet for like 2-3 hrs plus, i understand why. It's freaking heavy. >.<
Well anyway my last band camp was fun. :D thank goodness it was only one night. So less stress. It was fun. i loved it :D haha, i completely konked out that night. I slept like a pig. I rolled rolled and rolled until i almost kicked cathy in the head. I rolled like 2 metres away from dawn. strange.
Dirty games were really dirty though. Plain dirty. HAHA, the band so cute :D very fun to bully them. awww! haha, omg, i got my whole shirt full of banana and all sorts of nonsense >.<>
I have rashes now though. Slight. GAH. Not good! i think it's either the bananas, tomatoes, or grapes or that horrid cornstarch/goo. Gah, sensitive skin! Itchy itchy.
My spare handphone, that lousy one, DIED ON ME TOO. do i have such horrible infinity with handphones?!
So i'm basically uncontactable now. If you smsed me and didn't get a reply it's because of this so yeah.
BUT i just got a new handphone :D whoo. samsung omnia. thank you daddy :D
Waiting for it to charge so i can fiddle with it.
I'm still waiting.
9 days to syf!
;milk &&cookies!
Holidays are here! whoo! everyone rejoice and start jumping now :D
Haha, the holiday has been fruitful so far. haha, went out with my section for SECTION OUTING on monday! YAY. haha, it was really veryvery fun :D
On monday, we went to bishan to go watch a movie. Suspect X! HAHA, at the end part, when the guy was sobbing painfully WE WERE LAUGHING. ahhaahha, our section was laughing while the rest of the theatre was quiet. heh :D i couldn't help but laugh silently :D
Then we just walked around whilst chatting. hahaha, I CAN'T BELIEVE BAOHONG AND ELIZA WENT TO PIERCE THEIR EARS. haha, ohwait. joy also. HAHA, eliza's 2nd hole. i'm going to pierce a second one after my Os :D
Joy said i should go rebond my hair ): averil, serena, natalie and kimberly said my curly hair suits me. so HA to you joy :D
HAHA, me and averil got married at the arcade :D with the section as our witness :D HAHA
too bad xinhui e jr didn't go ): awwww
haha, at least manwah and danielle came! i miss e seniors >.< andrea came and left ):
WHOO. danielle is pro :D
baohong is smelly :D
my 2nd husband manwah
mr first husband averil :D
Today was a different story. I woke up on my bed. in my room. with absolute no recollection of even crawling on my bed. I thought i fell asleep on my table. how did i get on my bed?! And yeah, my maid said i left everything turned on. again. it's strange though. hmm.
Went to cut my hair. sigh the lady butchered by lovely locks. i said cut a little bit. and she happily cut like there was no tomorrow. it's so short now! and i wanted to leave it long ):
Then i went to bishan to buy some stuff. shall not say here. ME AND CHUCHU'S SECRET OF LOVE. HAHA
damn. i have so much hw. i shld start doing.
what am i doing here.
;milk &&cookies!
EVERYONE shimin has the longest tongue i've ever seen. and it's freaking flexible. HAHA, today for chinese class she came and sat with us :D laoshi said that at first me, ruiann, grace and chu were the 4 beauties. until shimin came then we became the 5 uglies or smth like that! HAHA, shimin's tongue is so freaking long! it can touch her nose! mine can't ): hahah, her tongue can go into a starfish shape! HAHA, okay she insists that it's a flower shape but whatever lah. rafflesia :D hahaha!
HAHA, our chinese essay is damn good luh! laoshi said that we write or don't write also no diff! HAHAHAHA, pui toot's and chuchu's one is about sex change! HAHAHA
okay i shldn't be here. i shld be writing my speech. sigh. haha
DAMNIT. i can't blow the water balloon thing! haha, this sucks. everyone can blow except a few people like me and elizaaaa! hahaha, i swear it looks like a mini condom! >.<
how to blow how to blow how to blow how to blow how to blow how to blow
sigh, some things just don't seem to go the way we want it ): sighhhh.
Oscar the otter is so scary. it came to our school. hahaha, was having recess. when it came near me, i moved. so big and creepy.
gah. my handphone died today! suddenly i cldn't send any smses out at all. so i restarted my phone at least 4 times. and it turned on with the time at 1st jan 2000 and 12.00am -.- my phone is officially dead. i can receive smses, can call. but i can't sms! using some spare hp now. sighhh! irritating phone!
HAHA, i am a timid meek girl okay! i'm secretly so quiet you can barely hear me. i only talk to my imaginary childhood friends you know! HAHA, i do not like hairy legs okayyy! HAHA
syf is 17 days!
;milk &&cookies!
CHUYING SAID MY VOICE IS NICE. HAHA, she said it's CLEAR and that i can join CHOIR. HAHA, did you hear that! DID YOU HEAR THAT! she said my voice is niceeee! AWWWW. this coming from the chuchu who's always suaning me -.-
I love phantom of the opera. i'm in love with the songs <3
Angel of music, guide and guardian
Grant to me your glory
Angel of music, hide no longer
Secret and strange angel
HAHA, amaths was hilarious today! lnHA gives you one over HA. HAHAHA, mr teh is so funny :D
I studied in school today. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. I DID YOU KNOW. haha, me chuying and then later on lynette joined us! i'm so proud of myself! hahaha!
I managed to put in Faith hope and love II into my ipod. I was watching it on the way home in my dad's car. sigh. feelings of nostalgia! i miss itttt! It was very touching. haha, i saw that zoomed up face thing :D
I let shimin watch too :D anyone want to watch it?
HAHA, THAT REMINDS ME. today's prayer. OMG it was kimberly. HAHA, i shall not elaborate. i'm soooo niceeee. it was a very MEMORABLE prayer :D
OKAY i'm so mean.
HAHA, DAWN BASSOON HAS A WEIRD SMELL (: it smells like rotting wood >.<>
christine you're talking in riddles
and it's not like you
;milk &&cookies!
Today was photo taking!
So i wore contacts and yeap. But in the end i was forced to pin up my fringe ): damnit. My last year! and my graduation photo is going to be e ugly one i took the last time! i'll burn the yearbook when i get it!
OMG. haha, amaths! Taizi was mimicking some teacher :D hahaha, it was veryvery alike! The perfect caricature! AND GUESS WHO WALKED IN AFTER THAT. HAHAHAHAH
Mr yap was very cute during physics!
"This won't hurt you" one second later "ouch!"
Band was okay (: some fun moments
WHOO. we're progressing! WHOO.
OMG. i'm scared though! so many parts to play solo >.<>
And now e clarinet soli part for overture is so exposed. I'm especially scared cos i'm sitting right outside. If not i think i wouldn't be so nervous. GAH.
Melissa came back! i miss e seniors ): i wonder how they are all doing. i miss them.
we can do it band!
19 days to SYF.
19 measly days.
;milk &&cookies!
Today was Monday.
I was really tired from doing aSS aSS the night before :D haha!
So i went to school for Majulah and all.
I guess the lack of sleep made my eyes look swollen. And well i wasn't in the best mood. felt really dull and stony.
Everyone was like, xinhui are you okay? you look so sad! are you okay? why are you so sad looking! Valerie thought i cried the whole night. >.<
I guess i was feeling a little upset and frustrated by what happened the night before. i just feel that some people should think before they speak. And some people ought to just speak instead of hiding everything. I realised how some people honestly are not how they seem to be. okay haha, i already kind of suspected it a while back but never knew it was so true. misunderstandings are tiring. okay don't misread this or whatsoever. this is more than one thing.
Anyway, after majulah had CE. whoo! free period! hahaha, funfun. just talktalktalk :D:D
Then after that lessons. PE was just filled with screaming. captain's ball! physics was SO fun. SS was free period :D:D Geog was uh. let's not talk about it :D it was pretty bad. not the first time we pissed off a teacher so badly that she walked out. but yeah.
Then Lit was okay. Higher chinese was okay. WHOO i did okay for my test! yay! i think it's like my ONLY a1 this time ):
AWW, clarinet tutor didn't come today though! so had normal sectionals. First self prac then combined :D i must say a lot of people improved. and overall we did improved. i'm very proud of some people :D they really improved a lot!
OMG. i almost lost my voice. Shouting rhythm, singing dynamics and phrasing whilst getting people to quieten down. it's so hard trying to get everyone's attention when SOME PEOPLE just keep yapping and yapping. Some people don't seem to see the urgency! and just kept talking and laughing so freaking loudly. I'm just one person versus don't know how many of you. So i got quite irritated, frustrated and pissed off. I didn't flare up or anything, but i did ask them to keep quiet in a very frustrated voice. I gave a really black face too. Black like the rainy clouds outside. Some people realised i wasn't very happy and was getting frustrated and stepped up :D they took charge and help shushed :D THANK YOU :D i'm so proud to have people like this in my section! but then. there were people who just kept talking. not paying attention during sectionals. until a fellow section mate asked her to shut up. HAHA, which was quite amusing.
The clock's ticking.
I hope they all see the urgency.
After band the sec 4 clarinettist were just talking. And gah, someone cried. Don't cry okay! wipe those tears off dearie! It's really quite sad to see the difference in the band. It's dead. that special spark is missing. And baohong is right, we haven't been able to feel good after a performance. I haven't felt happy after a performance for the longest time. I miss dona. I miss beaming with joy and pride after playing.
Me and baohong both feel that YES WE WANT THE GOLD MAN but most importantly we want to feel proud of our performance. We want to be able to feel good after playing for syf. We don't want to leave any regrets.
Sigh, some people are just so oblivious though. Not willing to listen out to others. Stubbornly playing the way they want. No matter what the seniors way. It's tiring to repeat it. And it's quite obvious that it's to be done, cos everyone says it and everybody else does it.
Haha, then on the way out of school the whole group of us band girls were just talking. we love talking :D sigh. IT'S SO UNFAIR THAT SOME PEOPLE WORK SO MUCH HARDER THAN OTHERS ): it's so unfair that we put in so much effort but the rest doesn't! haha okay that's what we were complaining about :D
I realised my shoulders are tense 24/7. slightly better after a shower. but it just gets tense after that. Is this a bad sign?
Damn i keep squeaking. i think i'm too tense when i play. I'm tense usually. I tense up even more when i play. ohman. i must RELAX.
do you think an extra piece of chocolate would help?
;milk &&cookies!
Today was a bad day.
It was a big fat flopping fish.
We had an exchange at SJI. one word: horrendous.
We played so badly, so so so badly. worse than normal practices. worse than any exchange or performance in my opinion.
I believe we have more potential that this. But well, it's just not out. And it's quite sad to see how the band has changed so much.
So well, went back. Mr Tan talked to us. Teachers talked to us. Then me and dawn talked to them. It was quite sad. Haha, somehow my voice started wobbling while i talked. and well tears just sort of filled up. BUT I DID NOT CRY. HAHA, I DID NOT OKAY. yeah, just felt really depressed and angry at myself. haha, but i think some people kind of noticed that little wobble. whoops :D
So anyway since we ended early, i stayed back to practice with like HALF THE BAND. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU ALL :D THANK YOU :D so well, i conducted. but i conducted rubbish. hahaha! it's quite fun to manipulate the music into any sort of nonsense you want :D
Then after that me and jingyun worked on our running notes together! WHOO. WE DID A LOT. hahaha, we sound so much neater now.
Okay then anyway i went popular with grace since dawn went to get the cip certs. then after that went home.
hmm, i was pretty moody already and SOMEONE effectively ticked me off. you meanie mo. you @!#@#@$%&$. and so it just made my mood so much darker. Then after that as i was walking home from the bus stop, guess what. IT STARTED TO RAIN. thank gdness it wasn't like some downpour. and BEING SO SMART, i left my umbrella outside the bandrm ): Well, reached home in time but still.
And the rain just made me feel sad. haha, it was nice and cooling though.
Today i realised something. Feeling sad really makes you lose your apetite. hahaha, for the first time in a long time, i didn't feel hungry at all. even though i haven't eaten lunch. but i still ended up eating BUT THE POINT IS. yeah.
HAHAHA, YUNZHU AND JIYEON'S PHONECALL CHEERED ME UP THOUGH :D hahaha! they wanted me to go all the way to orchard -.- when it was raining cats and dogs -.-
Haha, just now, Ezzul messaged me some chain message:
If there's a next generation, what do you want me as?
1. Gang
2. Friend
3. Bestie
4. Cousin
5. Lover
6. Sister/Brother
7. Girlfriend/Boyfriend
8. Wife/Husband
HAHA, what would you choose for me? :D:D
there after i just did lit notes. WHOO I FINISHED COPYING ANDREA'S NOTES OVER :D hahaha, i shall study hard. i will. i will okay!
22 days to syf.
we can do it.
;milk &&cookies!
It's been a really long and tiring week. I'm glad it's over. Must brace myself for the next one.
Thursday (yesterday) was funny though :D haha, had a free period from english! whoo! haha, we had oral but thank gdness my surname starts with a T so i'm at the back :D didn't get to my turn! Jiyeon was hilarious! i was talking to her and then she didn't listen to me and even gave me this very blank stare -.- hahaha, so i started laughing and th
en she joined in even though she had no idea why i was laughing. so there we were, laughing away and banging at the tables for like 5 minutes :D She even gave me a new name: KIM XI HUI which equals SEAWEED. do you see the logic? no i don't :D

Anyway, then after lessons we had... AMATHS REMEDIAL :D haha, i went with shimin and jiyeon! haha, that jiji! While me and shimin were wracking our brains, she solved them easily. She even said THIS IS SO EASY! hahahah! horrible jiyeon! hahaha! then after an hr of utter misery, remedial ended! So there i was eating my pocky sticks at 4.40pm for lunch ):
Today was slightly more slack :D
Had lessons blahblah, nothing much actually. Amaths test was horrid. i got all the qns wrong. careless mistake ): hopefully my tehteh will mark leniently and give me the method mark! ah ):
I am quite afraid to get my report slip! i'm still struggling with sec 3 and sec 4 topics ): GAH. i am motivated to study like a cow! i shall!
just you watch!
"Love is like the wind, you cannot see it but you can feel it"
Okay may not be the exact words but a quote from A Walk To Remember! So applicable to dawn! HOHOHOHO
ohyes. today was class comm investiture as well. there was a girl named Quincy! hahaha! reminds me of the lizard in foxtrot and a female version of Quintus! hahaha (: poor girl.
I am going to work hard!
6+ months to Os!
Go go go!
;milk &&cookies!
Today was the first time i lost my apetite over a class.
Biology class was the first ever time i didn't feel like eating lunch after class. i actually felt very BLEAH.
Haha, okay well the day started off okay though. I ran 1.8 km in the morning :D then did pushups, sit ups and pullups! whoo! haha, then off to class. hmm, nothing much happened. UNTIL BIO.
Well, we're learning about sexual reproduction in animals. So well, mr tang showed us a picture of a placenta. More specifically, his son's placenta. not a pretty sight at all.
Then he went on to describe the birth of his son and the events that took place before that. How the cervix expanded to 1.5 cm, then to 10 cm plusminus, AND THE WORSE IT WAS STILL NOT BIG ENOUGH for the baby to come out. and guess what the doctor did!? SHE JUST TOOK A SCISSORS AND CUT down there. she just CUT. like using a pair of scissors to cut paper. JUST LIKE THAT.
By that time, our whole class had eyes the size of saucers. O.O we were practically squirming in shock and some were even clapping their hands over the ears.
And then he told us about Silent Scream, some video about abortion. How the baby's heartbeat actually increases when it's about to be killed and all. And how the baby's quietly screaming as it's killed. That was what made me feel sick actually. The gruesome details of birth was bad but bearable. This really made me feel nauseous. Can you imagine if you were that baby? If somehow your parents aborted you, and you're be killed just like that...
I went home, and i watched it. Silent Scream. Skipped the boring part where the host just yaks. And then i saw it. goodness, you could actually see the mouth of the baby being open as it was being killed. And when the metal instrument was inserted into the uterus, you could see the baby kicking and squirming violently. Trying to get away from it. It was so sad! ): Then omg, the metal thing just stabbed the water bag. THEN AFTER JUST STAB THE FOETUS. LIKE SERIOUSLY STAB. then it gets sucked out via some suction pump as remains. With only the head left floating in the womb.
I actually felt sick again after i watched it.
I think our whole class is now convinced to never get pregnant. Some are now adamant that they'll never even get married. And now, i'm seriously traumatised by it. haha i think i'll never get pregnant too. I think mothers are very noble. How they withstood with all that pain is beyond my comprehension.
It's bio lessons like this that contributes to the declining birth rate in s'pore! >.<
;milk &&cookies!