Chinese new year is almost over ):
It has come and gone as swiftly as a bird. Time really flies. I still remember how sec 3 life was. Gah. i'm feeling melancholic.
I found First Suite In Eflat by Gustav Holst online. And as i was listening to it, I was reminded of how we massacred it the first time we sight-read it. It brings back fond memories. Even though we sight-read it TERRIBLY. But yeah, it reminds me of my band life as a nooooobody. And i kind of miss being a normal band member.
I miss the times i was stress-free. haha, ohwell, with the years i pass, the burden gets heavier. But well, i get stronger too (:
Today had band from 8-1pm. I swear i'm getting old, i set my alarm at 6.30. It rang all the way from 6.30 to 7.30! and i didn't wake up! and i didn't even know it rang! thank gdness my maid woke me up! >.<
Had woodwind sections. And well, it was actually quite disappointing. I mean, the woodwinds were okay lah, but it was quite sad to see some people unable to play. Even at this point. And i really don't know what to do. So yeah, I see juniors better than seniors. And it's disconcerting and makes me uneasy and worried. Why can't everyone just put in a little more effort...? is it so hard?
Anyway, had band prac with Sir. Haha, i sat up straight in my chair with my feet flat. But, i actually clamped my knees together, with my feet apart. So my legs made this inverted V shape. Haha, so right, it's an unconscious movement of mine. So while during overture no. 1, mr tan suddenly says something to me whilst conducting the band. As the only 1st clarinet one, and i had just finished the running notes part, i thought he said something like, zuo de hao! or too loud! Instead, he said, sit properly in chinese! hahah! he said i sat like dingdang or smth (forgot). haha, i seriously didn't know we cldn't sit like that. Can you imagine for concert, we wear our band uniform and then we sit with our legs open. SKIRTS with LEGS OPEN. NOT A PRETTY SIGHT. i have to master e art of sitting with my legs apart and playing. Somehow as i play, my knees just clamp together unconsciously. gah.
After band, had lunch with dawn and liana. Then i self-practed and fooled around in the band room until 4. Played the clarinet concerto with kimberly (: practiced A of die fledermaus, played e piano for fun. haha, liana taught me a new song! Played a bit of overture. And played around with the metronome and gossiped with chuchu and grace (:
Haha, highlight of the day! haha, averil slapped kimberly! hahahah! kimberly called averil and baby and there you go :D awww, my juniors are so amusing.
I lost my bottle though. I swear i have no idea where i put it! i was searching all over ): this sucks man! haha, ohwell.
I shld buy like 5 bottles for myself on my bdae. haha, for spares.
I swear i'm ageing.
Haha, when we left at 4, the staircases were all locked up. The gate was almost closed. It was quite terrifying actually. The thought of being locked in school! So we took the lift down, and then quickly left school.
An eventful day at school.
I want my life back.
I want a life. ):
;milk &&cookies!
It's a new 'year' ahead everyone! let's make e most out of the angpow we got (:
Well, i woke up early today to go to my grandma's house to eat noodles. i almost couldn't wake up! i stayed up late chatting online :D whoops. haha, anyway. It's this tradition that has been around for eons. So yeah, ate noodles, then went on to play upword :D it wa
s quite fun! We had a lot of weird words popping out. Bleat became bleet.
haha, anyway, after that we went on to play black jack! it was fun! i didn't win anything actually. The largest bet one could place was 2 dollars and the smallest 50 cents. Yeap, my cards were shitty though. kept losing man! My cousin got 4 blackjacks! >.<>
After taking photos and all, went onto my maternal uncle's house. Ate, watch tv and lazed around. haha, the highlight was collecting angpow! watch moulin rouge there... ): so sad ): haha, the songs are so romantic though! COME WHAT MAY!!!
i think i'm growing fat! haha, i've been snacking on goodies like a cow man!
Anyway, basically i spent my day eating, lazing and collectin an
gpow! haha, well, i guess i did my chem hw! are you proud of me?

me and xiu

how do i look without my speckies?

smile :D

smile :D

blackjack session

uncle and cousin (:

upword (:

e fan messed up my hair!

sisters unite!
on a random note, belle asked me to post something about her. so there you go belle :D haha
;milk &&cookies!
Happy chinese new year's eve everyone!
I haven't been updating this blog for gdness knows how long. been going crazy over the multiple activities and mountains of hw. CCA orientation, Band stuff, HOMEWORK, tests, Learning journey, blahblah.
So, i shall take the time from our short short short cny holiday to post something up.
YESTERDAY, me and yunzhu went out! haha, we dressed up really nicely and went out to go shopping. I wore an off-shoulder shirt with jeans and heels. Yunzhu wear prettypretty, haha, a halter and jeans and also heels.
HEELS was NOT a smart choice when shopping! haha, by the end of the day it was so painful we had to sit down. And i started walking in a super sloppish way. haha! I looked horrible walking. We were practically complaining as we walked. I don't get how people can just walk the whole day in them and not feel e pain man. Heels are gorgeous tools of torture.
In the end, we didn't buy anything much actually. We went to some shops, didn't see much then just walkwalk. I was looking for that tomato bag i saw the last time but i couldn't find the shop ): Yunzhu bought a baggie :D
haha, that zhu ah, put make up :D haha, it was nice looking but she was a vain-pot. keep retouching up. -.- until her eye pain. haha, noob!
After that, we went our separate ways. I went home for reunion dinner and she went for hers too. despite hating yusheng, the rest of the dinner was good. Somehow, i'm weird, i hate yusheng. Only like e gold crackers. haha, after dinner, watched some video show on axn. Haha, had a ball of a time (: laughing my head off with my cousins and relatives :D
Well, it was a tiring day. but one well spent.
Today is like half gone. but yeah, i'll go do hw. believe me? :D
lao yu sheng
popo, xiu and me
xiu & me
yunzhu sitting to rest her feet (:
hyatt has nice mirrors

make up at yoshinoya -.-

;milk &&cookies!