The day came way too soon. Faster than i expected.
Today was Sir's last practice with us. I feel sad and nostalgic just thinking about it. Just looking at e photos during e party makes me feel really sad. Gah.
I can't believe it came. It seemed like this day wouldn't come ):
Anyway, we started off with practise with Overture no. 1. Sir was really very sweet. He was telling us what to do, when he's not there. What to do to make it better. It's like he's preparing us. For the future. He was like joking and all. And in my mind i was just thinking, he's not going to do this anymore, this is the last time he's going to say it.
I think band will be different now.
But i still welcome the new conductor too (: Mr C. Tan!
Anyway, after overture, we played Dona Nobis Pacem. Even though it wasn't very good, i mean not as good as beijing, but i could feel e feelings in it. I had goosebumps. And I think Sir felt it. That's the most important (:
After that, it was basically party time! and basically photo taking time!
haha, i went home with loads of photos. Esp of Clare acting cute -.- i swear tuba players act cute! hahaha! I took loads of photos and ate loads of pizza. I think i'm growing fat. haha, whoops.
We stood around, talked, screamed our heads off and took photos. We watched e video of our concert. And we basically sang Thank You For The Music together. haha, much laugher ensued. Wait. was it singing or screaming? haha, singing IJ STYLE.
Thank you for the music Mr Tan (:
After e fun and all, guess what? comm members clean up -.- haha, we had to take out all e decorations we painfully put up. haha, had to clear up e balloons and all e food. haha, tried to give e LEFTOVER CAKE to mr chan as it was his bdae the day before. haha, we sang for him a birthday song but he refused our cake -.- haha!
Haha, after clearing up, fellow comm was going mad. haha, HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME. HAHA, WE KEPT SINGING. haha! and the dancing! hahaha! omg, i'll remember this day for life (: haha!
Ohwell, all good things must come to an end.
damn glam (:
me and grace!
me, mr tan and dawn (:
we love sir! or at least that's what e balloons were trying to say
comm members are CLEANING AUNTIES OF THE BAND. don't we look pathetic?
mr santa claus
good mango cake!
alyssa and me!
me and shimin!
isn't this pretty?
nice right?
pretty bunch of balloons

don't irritate me. i have a bunch of balloons and i'm not scared to use it (:
;milk &&cookies!
i seriously want a room at e grand hyatt one day.
My parents got one and so my sisters and I tagged along to go see. Of course they stayed over WITHOUT US ): haha, anyway, i took loads of pretty photos of me! haha, at e toilet there.

then after that my parents brought us to mezzanine! haha, lovely cakes and tarts! I SWEAR I AM IN LOVE WITH THE MANAGER THERE. haha, he's so sweet. i'll elaborate another time. stupid sis kicking me off e com ):
;milk &&cookies!
Christmas is over too soon ): haha, i spent it in the most amusing way the day before. haha, i guess i could say it was one of my more eventful christmas!
Wore a dress (: haha, and went for a service at the Salvation Army. BUT, haha, unfortunately, i mad
e a lot of noise ): haha, i really didn't mean to make so muchnoise during their prayers! i always find out too late that it's a prayer -.- either dawn will ask me to shut up or christabelle will. haha, whoopsy daisy. And then if i tried to keep quiet, my phlegmirritates me and i cough.
Then after we had lunch there! The amount of food they gave was scary. Quintus ate two PILED HIGH plates. Gah. it's unfair that he's lighter than me man! Unjust. Ohright, so yeah, then we went back after that. Louis and Christabelle kept playing with my hoodie -.- made my hair so messy lah. Then Zhenxi kept poking fun at my size -.- noobity noob.
Went home, TIDIED MY HAIR and went out with my sister (:
Pepper lunch for dinner and then we just went around shopping. bought earrings and a ring. haha, then just took loads or photos!

;milk &&cookies!
Hello! haha, went to e beach todayyy! east coast park again. With e caroling people (: jinjun, kimberly, dawnie, cat high people and christabelle and roxanne (: haha, ohwell. woke up early and met them at toa payoh. haha, um. i was late, but rather early too :D haha, okay, then went to eat 2 hashbrowns then took e bus to ecp. Long, long ride but it was quite fun i guess. started talking about random stuff on e bus -.- higher chinese and other weird stuff.
Okay, got there, camwhored. then lazed around waiting for dawn, louis and zhenxi. so me, roxanne and christabelle sat under their umbrellas and just talked and exchanged music! Seventh Night of July (: lovelove. okay, then when darling dawnie came we went into e sea! haha, e water was super cold and nice. haha, refreshing. went in. got wet. yeap. haha, stupid me, wore a WHITE shirt and a BLUE bra, not very smart. but anyway, we waddled around. got sand on each other. screamed and threw sandballs around. poor zhenxi lost his glasses. ohwell. people got my lovely hair wet ): hair started to curl like a pile of worms. yucks. anyway i looked like crap :D haha, but it was fun. whee.
then guess what? it rained. haha, so we ranranran back to get our stuff cos we walked all around so yeah. Gah. all wet and all. haha, then take more photos. after getting changed and dry, we went cycling. Cycled all the way to Area G, near e bedok getty. it was really pretty. haha, loved e sea breeze and all. It was really nice and refreshing. Kind of helped me clear my mind and forget some of my psychological burdens. The wind blowing in my unkempt hair, the lovely sparkle of the sea, the boats in e distance, the soft sand beneath my feet. Yeah, nice.
haha, then after that we went on to have dinner. haha, dawn tried the exothermic reaction thing on quintus but it didn't work. haha, i think i'm e only one that is dumb to fall for it -.- haha, ohwell. yeah, then after that we took bus to dhoby ghaut. haha, talked to roslyn, wanying and phyllis on e way. wheee. made a lot of noise on e bus (: haha, i missed you rosros :D haha, band comm'07/08
anyway, went on to vivo to watch a little bit of e caroling. we cheered and made alot of noise. haha, whoops? i took a lot of photos! haha, esp of jinjun and zhenxi. so sweet of me eh :D haha, okay, then we celebrated christabelle's birthday! we bought her a cake from breadtalk. then when we asked a little girl where she got her balloon, she sweetly gave it to us :D so nice. haha, dawn drew on it. haha, adorable. haha, sang a bdae song for her, gave e cake, forced her to make a wish on an unlit candle. yeap. haha, then went home. Reflected on some stuff on e way home. Cleared my brain out. I think i know what to do now.
Camwhored when i got home. haha, ate chocolate cake then took loads of random shots with my sis. -.- two high people.
let's see her height!
we love our cake
zhenxi kinda looks pro here (:
cake (: strawberry
she loves her bdae cake
jinjun conducting!
happy bdae belle!

wet and happy people
me and kim (:

i'm a rich taitai, you not happy about it?
i love e beach.
i swear, i want to have a beach wedding (:
i'm sorry. but i really don't know how to face you anymore. it's my fault. but i don't things can be the way it was again. or can it?
;milk &&cookies!
i hate fevers.
On saturday, i got a fever! T.T it was 39.4 degrees when i went to the doctor. Was quite scary. i thought i was going to burn off my brain cells o.O it was horrible. my head was throbbing like mad. Ugh. horrible. Went to e doctor and came back with loads of medicines! so scary. all tablets! T.T
So basically i have been sleeping e whole day, trying to get well. Sigh, i missed sir's last practice! heartbreak. i wanted to go but my mum said cannot ): sigh. stupid cough and fever. i lost my voice too. my sweet voice is reduced to a croak. T.T
gah. well.. at least my fever is gone now :D i hope i won't get sick again! caroling! wheeee.
;milk &&cookies!
i'm having my time of the month. haha, no wonder i was so moody yesterday. thank you all for cheering me up! tsk. jinjun you went online so late last nite! i was gg to pour my sorrows to you! haha, ohwell. but i'm feeling better now. but if you all do it again i'll bbq all of you and have you for dinner. :) sounds nice?
haha, had leadership camp today! Our objective was to write a proposal about a tour package for a family of four. So yeah, we had to consider the family's age group blahblah, then choose places. We even had a budget to set and all. We were all split up into different groups, according to our punctuality. so well, i was super early cos my handsome dad sent me to school, so i was in RAFFLES HOTEL. haha, with elizabeth tan, elizabeth (sec 2), eugenia, clara tee, amanda (sec 1), cui lin, crystal, swee teng, cheryl woon. did i miss out anyone? anyway, genevieve was our MANAGER. haha, at first all of us were a little dead and zombie-ish cos we were all super tired and all. but after that we warmed up to each other and it got quite fun :)
So after writing our proposal, we had to present it in a formal mock meeting thing. we couldn't laugh, talk or even giggle. we could only whisper or pass notes. If not, meldee who was e DIRECTOR, would press e bell and go "Dingding! Laughing/talking is not in order!" or she'll go "Dingding! will hotel blahblah behave yourself" that kind of thing. haha, so when something funny happen we just had to stifle our laughter and all. It was quite funny passing notes arnd and all. And certain groups were super aggressive in their questions and all. rather amusing.
haha, anyway, overall it was really fun and all (: go raffles! even though we didn't win, i had fun. despite e sleepiness at times.
On a worried note, I think i'm getting sick again. i have a bad feeling my cough is coming back..... My windpipe hurts slightly when i breathe in deeply. too much chocolate?
;milk &&cookies!
It was a gloomy day today.
haha, okay, fine, it started out quite sunny and all. Went out earlyearly to Novena to go make comm shirt and almost got lost :D thankfully i somehow found my way.
then after, went to eat oishi sushi! haha, super yummy!
after that, went on to go bishan and watch Madagascar 2 with the Majors. Um. yeah. haha, i shall not elaborate more. Got quite irritated. haha, tsk. Those who went ought to know. haha, but i still love you dawnie :) you all can just buy me icecream
So i left after e movie to go shopping with my mummy! haha, went to buy shoes! Birkenstock. super comfy and all. Then i went to nourish my highly depressed soul with icecream. And i feel that Ben and Jerry's have the nicest chocolate icecream! So rich and dense. like eating chocolate cake. We ordered 3 scoops. Coffee, some chocolate thing, and some thing with EVEN MORE chocolate. And the sauce was CHOCOLATE fudge. haha, the topping was CHOCOLATE sprinkles. haha! I'm becoming a chocoholic :) but it was lovely. and really lifted my spirits up :D
then after we went to a CD shop :) it was That CD shop. and guess what? i bought joe hisaishi's album! haha, super happy and all. haha, kind of makes me want to play e piano :) quintus, you must go learn and play for me!
ben & jerry's icecream (:
thank you chuying for being my listening ear. thank you dawn, quintus & louis for cheering me up. (:
;milk &&cookies!
Concert is over! It feel rather surreal. so strange not to have band anymore. Well. it was a success! even though there were mistakes, let's move on and work towards our next goal! SYF'09!
Anyway, concert was great! loved working with St. Margs and Catholic High. Their bands are really good (: we have a lot to learn from them! My favourite piece was Golden Jubilee Overture. Didn't really get to hear St. Margs cos we were outside waiting, but i heard from ppl that their Jerico was lovely :D
i was quite sad though. when i saw sir tear up and all. i can't believe time passes so quickly. my parents said the video was good and all. my mummy said she was going to cry at e end. T.T i think i'll miss mr tan! i can't imagine band without him.
i loved thank you for the music! even though i didn't get to play, singing along was really fun. It's especially memorable with mr tan. I think i won't forget it. haha, I made a lot of noise though. I saw certain people from nco staring at me with weird looks! haha! am i so scary? NO right! haha
on a happy note, jinjun said i had a beautiful smile! :D haha, made my day brighter! haha!
haha, my mummy said that i sounded confident on saturday? did i? my hands were shaking very badly. haha, i'm glad i looked pro (:
ohyes, 29th nov, concert day was... BAOHONG'S birthday! happy birthday ah bao! you're one year older.... but i doubt you're act like it. but anyway :D haha, happy birthday!
omg. i realised my blogpost is always super random. with no chronological order whatsoever. it's so messy. haha, just like me!
i can't wait for caroling this saturday. fun :)
OHYES. before i forget. thank you EVERYONE for the chocolate, sweets, biscuits, flowers, cards! thank you!
my gorgeous smile. haha
andrea, wahwah and danielle <3
15 year old baobao
me, chia, chu
what a beautiful mess.
;milk &&cookies!