Band Camp'08 is over! haha, it was fun and all. but finally, in some sense, i can breathe a sigh of relief. haha, overall not much hiccups but some here and there. after experiencing all this, i feel that last year's committee were like superheroes :)
haha, it was fun though. i loved scaring people during the nightwalk! haha, me, kelly, liana were in one classroom. We open & closed the windows while baohong, eliza and gang were outside. They screamed and ran all the way down the corridoor >.<
quote of the camp :)
Jingyun: "Do you smell something weird?"
Eliza: "That's because your mouth is too near your nose!"
haha, eliza is so rubbishy. she kept using her foot to touch my shoulder during rehearsals! even when sirsir was around! >.<
Clarinets waiting to shower :)
Last night i went to go caroling outside Tangs. I didn't think it would be this tiring! by the end of one hour, i felt like a wilted flower. Was so exhausted. But it was fun. I absolutely hate sight-reading though ):
The lights at orchard were quite pretty too!
Damnit. haha, jinjun kept suaning me the whole night! rahhh. cause i'm too cute and lovable luh! don't deny it :)
on a sad note, i'm down with a stupid cough. too much talking. too much shouting during camp. ohwell :D medicine makes me groggy though. wake up darling!
doesn't it look pretty?
In some sense, i can't wait for concert to be over, then i can go relax and all. But then, it's my last concert. I think i'll feel really nostalgic during the concert. I can still remember my first concert, i got so stressed and all. haha, i remember charmaine calming me and telling me good luck.
3 years has passed in a flash. don't you think so?
;milk &&cookies!
it's been a long. long. long. week :) this week feels like months. so many things happened and all. yeap. ohwell. it's like i've grown older and mature :D cheem eh?
haha, anyway, today i went with the cat high and st margs ppl and dawnie to the salvation army place to tune-in for the christmas carolling! haha, it was quite fun. my sight-reading sucks tho. probably played tons of wrong notes! hohoho! before going there we went to burger king and bought a KIDS MEAL :D couldn't eat finish :D so we gave it to the rest. hohoho!
some photos eh!
dawn smacking flies
oishiiii sushi
luke and junyao
burger king crown :D
bang. i'll shoot you :)
'*hithit* there's a sound? my head is hollow. '- dawn!

me and catherine! :D
damn. still down with cough :(
hope i get well soon. :D
;milk &&cookies!
i think i need stress management classes :) i'm too stressed.
i broke down today. was quite miserable. all the stress that was bottled in me just simply overflowed and burst out. rah. i look horrid when i cry. puffy red eyes and nose. it was swollen after. ohwell. It just seems that everything that is happening is falling apart. And it's my fault. I dunno. I feel incapable. I feel useless. I feel like i don't deserve to be here. I dunno if i'm doing the right thing. Sometimes i wonder why i was the one chosen. I feel lost. Like in a haze of smog. Blindly walking forward.
Thank you dawn, chuying, catherine, shimin & liana for comforting me! :) you made my rainy day brighter :D
I just wish it wasn't so hard. I wish that things would just fall into place nicely. Why do others make it seem so easy? But yet, it feels so difficult for me.
Everyone around me has been really sweet :) thank you for cheering me up! thank you to hillary and JunYao :)
Haha, on a happier note! Main band auditions are overrrrr! left with junior band auditions. my poor ears. ouchies. ohwell. i probably sounded like them a long time ago.
i want a happy ever after. a happy ending.
;milk &&cookies!
today was dreary. haha, well. auditions again :) well. haha, i think i can almost memorise parts of the songs already! haha, all the senior comm members were so bored that we had to find stuff to humour ourselves. we took pictures, we danced, we sang. haha, and we ate cupcakes :D even though i have a horrible cough with loads of phlegm, i ate 3! haha, i think i won't be getting well anytime soon :) haha, during our lunch break, monica played some piano piece called Forbidden Love. haha, so while she was playing, we were all fiddling with the keyboard :D haha, we kept changing the key, and changing the instrument. haha! the piece was completely unrecognizable :D hohoho. i think she got quite irritated with us!
the keyboard looks like this :)
me and chuying
shimin's pouch is cute :D
don't we have such beautiful eyes?
going to concert!
shimin fell asleep during auditions -.- so did i :)
me and dawnie
After auditions, i went down to the Admiralty concert with dawn. It was quite okay, but i left early :) project and other stuff. ohwell..
On the other hand, the last few days, me and dawn have been meeting up with the St. Margaret's majors and Catholic High majors. all really nice people and all. every night we've been having weird conversations in which i end up cooking someone up and wanting to eat them up. haha! ohwell.
i'm scared. what if everything falls apart.
;milk &&cookies!
i can't believe it's over. nco is over! it feels super surreal! i miss ncoooo! i don't mind being sunburnt again :)
yesterday, was fun. the last day of nco camp. the performance was absolutely fabulous! even though we couldn't really be seen by the audience, we enjoyed ourselves! i definitely won't forget this! <3
Before the performance, we had 2 hours to prepare :D haha, but then i only took like half and hr to change and all -.-lll so anyway, we ended up running around, getting everyone to write on the autograph page, exchanging contacts, taking photos and all! it was absolutely mad. haha, our section was playing the pianoooo! haha, then still got duet! clarinet duet! haha, final fantasy duet!
i took so many photos! :D saw roslyn, clarise, alyssa tan, cherie bay, liana, kelly, chuying, shimin, lynette, rachel, kimberly, cherie chia, natalie, serena, yanru and my mummy & daddy! haha, did i miss anyone out? thank you all for coming! and the lovely flowers! i received compliments for the flowers :) some random nco band major said to me, "wow. nice flowers"! thank you all! haha, i love the bouquet! first time get! hohoho!
anyway, after the performance, after loads of hugs, me, ezzul, jodie, meliza and syazwan went to macs and king albert park and ate. yeap, then just talktalk, then went home, and slpt :D was so tired.
sigh. one week just like that. it's so fastttt! let's have an outing soon nco people!
time is like a river. a river that moves continuously and never stops.
roslyn and clarise's lovely daisy!
chuchu and shimin WHITE and pink rose :D
my sweet juniors' bouquet <3
photo with sir! roxanne, mr tan, me!, rebecca
sexae yanying and me!
louis, me and ezzul. damn. i look short.
dawn and me! IJ!
don't we look cheem?
me & tommy
our last yamseng!

i'll miss you all.
;milk &&cookies!
i'm sunburnt. T.T badly burnt. like a boiled lobster. well, what can i expect for FOUR hours in the sun :)
haha, anyway, nco was fun today. We had a lecture by mr tan today :D alessio drew this
ting on my booklet! haha, he was drawing on everyone's bklet then when mr tan walked over he pretend to be writing his reflection! haha! so funny! :) after that, we had our sectional presentation :D haha, all the sections did really well and all. Then we played in the music studio in the aircon, before going to the field to rehearse with the drum major. to our horror, it was muddy. the poor DMs had been marching in mud. anyway, yes, it was gross. haha, and i even fell on my arse on the stairs. slippery. maluuu!
okay, anyway, my lovely NEW shoes, are muddy and gross now. T.T haha, camwhored the whole day and kept singing songs and all! we were all super hyper and all! kept singing HSM! :):):) haha, me & syazwan did a 'duet' on everyday :D haha, i'm gabriella :D EVERYDAYYYY~ haha, and the burning up! :D haha, ezzul kept me entertained with burning upppp! :D
today, i really felt bonded to the nco people. tomorrow is the last day. T.T i think i'll miss everyone! <3

louis' plastic bag for his shoes even though they were already dirty. -.-lll
doesn't the sky look pretty? :D
muddy new shoes. T.T
me and dawnnnn! sexae eh.
dawn's shoes that were ONCE WHITE.
look at our sexy arms :D (meliza, ezzul, me!)
Sir (Mr tan)'s shoes :D
looks philosophical eh.
muddy grass
rebecca, me, ezzul & meliza
;milk &&cookies!
i sleptwalk. believe it or not. i was sleepwalking.
haha, last night, for some strange reason, i found myself in my sister's room, and on her bed. haha, then i walked to my own room and went back to bed. i have absolutely no recollection of what happened, how i walked down and what happened. scary eh.
haha, my sister and my maid told me that i went to the room at 3 and kept hitting my sister's butt and trying to kick her off the bed. haha, i wanted to sleep in her bed. weird right!? i don't remember anything! it's scary. haha, i think i'm too exhausted. planning band camp, nco, chinese symposium, Os. so tiring. but it's gd that now some are overrrr! haha
nco camp was funnn! haha, i think it's funner than the precamp training :D haha, it's quite sad thought. unlike the drum major course, the band major course doesn't really give us a chance to interact much. it's mostly playing, so we end up in our sections half the time. but still it was funnnn! made many new friends and all :) games were fun. i found someone going for the master class toooo! :D yay! so i won't go aloneeeee! :D:D:D
haha, well. Os were today. haha, well. i hope i did well. i shall wish for the best.
you irritate me like hell. go away. when we part, i'll miss the rest, but definitely not you. don't you dare look down upon me, don't give me that attitude like i'm not worth your time. you should be glad i'm even talking to you. i'm so much better than you. i can't stand your arrogance.
;milk &&cookies!
waiting in the rain.
our sand castle. pretty?
ignore my hair
a brass instrument can sound like a woodwind :D
haha, yes, i found that out yesterday. Well, of course, not totally like a woodwind, but it can be as soft and round like one. I went with the band to Boston Brass concert at NUS yesterday. OMGawd, the brass tone was like chocolate. MOLTEN CHOCOLATE. so RICH. so SOFT. haha, as brown as chocolate! so nice~ i have NEVER heard such nice playing. the ensembles sounded like CDs. so in tune and all! amazing. i wish there were some woodwinds though... T.T i liked hearing the ring, the echo in the hall after the last chord.
haha, anyway, during intermission, me and shimin and some other people (forgot (: ) went to try out the instruments! haha, jupiter instruments had some sort of display of instruments and all! i tried e trumpet, e flute! haha, wanted to try the clarinet but didn't have reeds!! T.T haha, i can play the trumpet :D the flute was quite a failure though. ended up just spitting into the flute. hohoho!
haha, after intermission, went back in, blahblah. nice music. but it was too lullaby-ish. haha, so i fell asleep for like half an hour? haha, whoopsy. but the group that really won the crowd over was obviously the BOSTON BRASS! they were wonderful! they were funny, exiting and had great showmanship! haha, i love their playing. but there were so loud, air capacity was great. i was covering my ears at some points :D it's not bad music just that it was a small confined hall and all.
saw so many people there. saw jodie, and some other people who looked familiar, i THINK i saw them at nco. but i really can't remember. but it was a good concert!
on the way back, and we just gossiped and made a lot of noise on the way back. dawn mocked my laughter. TSK. haha, jkjk.
i'm scared. are you?
;milk &&cookies!