It's been a while since i posted. So here goes.
I'm starting to panic already, there's only like 100++ days to Os. So i decided to study my bum off, so i won't post much, and i won't go online so often. GO ME. i will persevere!!
This week's been pretty uneventful. I can't believe i started sleeping at 11pm for weekdays. SHOCKING. haha, usually i sleep at 12am. But yeah, it's actually good. I STAY AWAKE IN CLASS :O other then after recess lah, BUT THAT'S SOMETHING ELSE (:
Went out to study with Dawn, Shimin, Arielle and Yunzhu the other day. Hahaha, poor shimin didn't get a lemon in her lemon tea. So she started MAKING meesiam in the cup to exact revenge on the drink stall. Red chilli sauce, Prawns from my hokkien mee, Noodles, lime and who knows what (:
Yesterday i had class bbq. Awww, jayden is so cute! haha, so quiet though. Absolutely adorable. Practically oozes cuteness. The whole class was just gushing over him. he's going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up!!
Screamed, Sang, Danced, Talked, Fooled around. Class BBQ was fun (: Camwhored. HAHA, we were trying to do the Michael Jackson music video Thriller since the moon was so bright! :D
Me and chuying started mimicking Lady Vancome. CHAAAA you know what? UH UH!
I can't believe i'm sec 4 and leaving soon. Half a year left. Sigh, i don't want to leave ):
Time really waits for no man.
;milk &&cookies!
I can't believe i've stepped down.
It feels terribly surreal.
Haha, it feels like i'm going to go for band again.
Feels funny.
Yesterday was my last band practice. Thank you everyone for all the time and everything! I'll miss my time in band! Every single member made band special and many of my favourite memories were made in Band. I want to thank my section! I love you sexy clarinettists! To Jingyun, Eliza, Baohong, Fatin, Valerie, you guys were great! It's been fun leading the section together! To my juniors, Kimberly, Natalie, Cherie Chia, Yan Ru, Averil, Serena, Sarah, Joy, Christabelle, Xinhui, Vanessa, thank you all too! I've been really strict with you all at times. But i do hope that you guys will carry on and continue to excel! Bring the section to greater heights! To my 14 sec ones, please practice hard and make the seniors proud!
To my senior committee members, thanks for everything! we did it! and now we can happily step down! HAHA, and watch the new comm go through what we did! Thank you for all your support! I couldn't have done it without you!
To my sexy dawn, my lovely ex-Dumb Major. I couldn't have been an ex-Bflat Major without you! Your support helped pull me through (:
To all the ex-junior comm members, thanks for everything! you guys did a good job!
To the new comm, All the best!!
To Kelly, the new Dumb Major, have fun (:
To cherie, the new Bflat Major, also have fun and do your best (: that's the most important.
To Natalie and kimberly, my new SL and ASL, jiayou! You're the new leaders of the section! All the best! Be the next section of the year okay!
To all the rest of the people i didn't mentioned cause i'm awfully lazy. Clare, Chuying, shimin, grace tan, ruiann, blahblah, etc LAZY. thanks!
My juniors are so sweet! i love the photos and cards! thanks! that photo of me very ahma leh ):
Haha, after that band prac all the seniors went mad! we played all the instruments! Omg, i can play brass instruments!! I can play the trumpet, tuba! Horn i can't pitch at all. all the same note. Tharaani's trombone stinks really bad -.- Tuba ironically i can play the highest notes only. The low notes are suppose to be easier T.T i think it's cause i'm used to high notes from playing the clarinet. and i'm too short, i can barely reach the mouthpiece with ease T.T I can play the trumpet!!! I can't double-tongue though. Shimin damn pro! she first time play and she can blast on all the instruments! her lungs are damn power!! And she can double-tongue just like that!!
so we played and had loads of fun :D then went for lunch with dawn and shimin (:
Went home and had dinner with my uncle's family! Angus house! steak! Be prepared, loads of photos of food porn later (:
I still can't believe i'm stepping down T.T
Pictures of You
Pictures of Me
Hung up on your wall
For the World to see.

watermelon ball!

tenderloin steak!

ijconcertband <3ijclarinets <3
;milk &&cookies!
Today was Mr Leonard Tan's last visit to us ): Sigh, so sad!
I can't believe he's leaving AGAIN ):
Thank you for everything mr tan! He's lovely lame jokes were so cuteeee! I absolutely adore them! PORTato and POTARSSIUM! Sigh, so sad ): He's leaving again!!!
Hope he likes the joke book we gave him! heehee (:
Yesterday, went for the ACJC tune-in. And i'm more or less sure that i won't join JC band. We went there and sight-read. DISASTROUS. I couldn't play ): I should have listened to my tutor and practiced my chromatics! ohwell. And, cause of everyone playing around me. For the first time in a long time, I COULDN'T HEAR MYSELF AT ALL. REALLY. Unless i played wrong notes lah, then got the waves. BEATS! haha, but yeah, couldn't really hear myself T.T
Quite fun lah, but then... felt quite miserable cause i couldn't play. My sight-reading really sucks! Haha, ohwell. Two hours also a bit pathetic. Went outside to their canteen and took pictures. I think we disturbed a few people studying. sorry!
Gah. so embarrassing i tell you. NO I DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU HAHA. I shy. :D Basically, next time the essay comes out on 'An embarrassing experience', i'll definitely have something to write about.
Anyway, went on to bishan to eat banmian!! Then we went to buy mr tan's gift! HAHAHA, i don't know what was wrong with me, i just couldn't stop laughing! The jokes in the jokebooks were NOT funny, but i just kept laughing!
What's the noisiest pet?
Can i have your name?
Why? don't you already have one?
Bumped into clarise and took pictures! We wanted to take it in popular. we had our pose ready! AND THEN! we got chased out :D
Shimin so bad! She used those shock gadget things! and asked me to pull it T.T innocent me, pulled it. and got a horrible shock and a tingling finger! PAIN ):
HAHAHA, then went home with grace! She kept me laughing the whole way home! HAHA, we almost walked up the escalator that was rolling towards us! SHE'S MY LIMITED EDITION!
;milk &&cookies!
Wow, i've been away for a while. Missed me? :D
Yesterday, had Band! Mr Leonard Tan came to conduct us! To all those noobs who were studying their Os, awww, POOR THING HAHA. AWW poor clare! HAHAHA :D
"Italian men are hot you know!"
--- Mr Leonard Tan
HAHAHA, okay he was very funny and all! Really missed him a lot. It was so nice to have him conduct us again. Loved his jokes and all. But i felt so sad when i saw him looked so sad when he was talking about how he missed his students ): damn.
Okay fooled around after Band practices, playing Eagle's Bend and Finale. I hate finale. Love PONYO and Dream City!!
Okay, went home and promptly fell asleep after lunch. Woke up only at like 6 plus. My dad was raving about how i was going to be late for my Grandpa's dinner and all. So i showered really quickly. Styled my hair in the car. And arrived looking presentable :D
Celebrated my grandpa's 77th birthday! Okay it was quite okay. Was practically sms-ing throughout to keep myself entertained. Haha, omg, love story/viva la vida is nice! I looked so dumb outside the restaurant listening on the phone. Quintus, you suck. chop off your fingers. :D My cousin kept stepping on my foot -.- so unfair! he's like almost near my height now!!! ): why do little kids grow so fast! HAHAHA, my baby cousin so cute! she likes ponyo too!
Okay took some photos, ate till i was about to burst. Then i went home. Hahaha, went home and rolled around on my bed as i listened to more piano. AH, one summer's day brought tears to my eyes ): who's stupid phone ran out of batt huhh!
Went off to lala land. Slept till 11pm :D Woke up, and did my statement of experience. Went digging around for stuff. AND GUESS WHAT. I FOUND MY PIANO GRADE ONE CERTIFICATE HAHAHA!
Grade one not bad heh! :D
I even found my kindergarten comments! They all said i'm conscientious and quiet :D SO IT MUST BE TRUE. EVEN TO THIS DATE!
Tomorrow shopping heehee. study cindy! study! i will do it! study!!! HAHA, i even wrote study all over my table with stickies. i shall do it!


My kindergarten comments!
My mum, me and my sis :D

;milk &&cookies!
MR TAN is back!
Haha, had band practice today and Mr Leonard Tan is back. It was really really really nice to see him again. Miss him a lot! It seems so surreal to see him, as though he's not real. Hahaha, i think it's as though he isn't really here. In a flash, he'll be back in the US again. He said our band room smelt the same :D
"Change is the only constant in our lives"
He said something along those lines! HAHA, we were doing the Nobody Nobody but you thing to mr tan! heehee :D Then we also took loads of pictures, and we chit-chatted for quite a while. He seemed quite jet-lagged to me :D
see! it's lovable!
That reminds me! we sightread Kiki's delivery service! sigh, i want to play! SIGH, my juniors, you people are lucky poopoos!
Okay then went home, and went to watch Angels & Demons. Well, it was better than i expected, cause i expected something really lousy from the 2.5 stars rating. It was actually quite thrilling and nice, but the book was so much better! How could they take out so many important parts!!! Like how the pope in the story was the real father! And the burning alive part and then parachuting down part! i mean yes a fire and parachuting was present, but they twisted it! The effects was nice though, i must say. The cardinal burning in the fire was so sad though ):
Then rushed down to watch VJC's majestia XXIV! Saw so many people! Went with our band people and saw the IJ Band Alumni! Cecilia (My long lost sister), Roslyn, Paula, Francesca, Alyssa Tan & Charmaine! also saw some NCO people. But other than that, i don't think i saw anyone else... except... MR TAN!
HAHA, we were joking around with Mr Tan before the concert! awwww, he also play along with me when i was playing around! HAHAHA, me and mr tan got secret heehee!
The concert was great. VJC was fabulous! But i was so sleepy i fell asleep during their SYF piece (too cheem for me to understand) and Victoria (too soothing). The first piece was quite bleah though. It was weird, i mean like the band didn't seem very good at that piece. The band sounds so different though, It's less rich now. It used to be very chocolaty, like brownie or something. Now it's like low-quality Kit Kat. I mean there were instances where the richness was there, but sometimes i couldn't hear it. The band responded well! I love Arioso by James Barnes! The band played really well under Mr Leonard Tan & Dr Goh & the japanese conductor.
Their alumni band's clarinettist is damn good!!! the notes were pearly and perfect! One of the best clarinets i've heard in a long while!
The crowd was very rowdy though. And this irritating girl kept yelling and yelling some people's names excessively. COULDN'T STAND IT!
But yeah, VJC band seems to have a very nice culture. I feel like going to VJC and join their band now!
me and kim

senior comm!
;milk &&cookies!
IJ Fiesta!
It was today! the big day finally came!
Okay i slept really late the day before cos i came home late from blowing balloons and fooling around in school :D stupid gastric also ): But anyway was so zombie-ish this morning but later i 'woke up'.
Ms Jo Teo's talk on IJ was really meaningful to me. It really was enlightening to know more about the IJ history. The culture is so rich. Just like Chocolate.
Went back to class to make some lantern structure hoolabaloo. Then once that was done, what did we do! we... CAM-WHORE! Heehee (: Fun eh! Grace tan, i'm almost the same height as you okay! it's your fringe lah, that's why you seem taller. SEEM. But Chuying seriously makes me feel so short ): She's the only one other than Mr Leonard Tan and Dawn that actually makes me feel short when i take photo!
Okay so after that went for my shift to sell IJ Items. Did it for 2 hours. No wind. Hot. Perspired like mad! Then went on for an hour at the Flea Market. IN THE SUN. Okay hot hot hot, then we shifted to the shade! But yeah, 3 hours of shifts can kill a person!!
Went to the canteen for some shade after that. Cam-whored a little more, then went to eat :D pathetically expensive!! Then later went to the gallery steps and listened to the band and talk to JIJI and shimin and the DJs. Hahaha, the band was quite okay lah, but the lead vocals... I CAN'T HEAR IT?! Yeah maxine was good on the drums man!
Was frying my bum in the sun. Sitting around. Screaming our heads off. Taking more photos. Eating more. Drinking more Bandung and stuff.
Then later... we had our shift at the food stall. No one wanted to buy our vegetarian food!!! So went around begging and shouting for people to buy! Managed to sell 2 plates of spaghetti and 5 soon kueh through this method! :D Not bad at all! Heehee, thank you christabelle and ruth and some other people for buying! HAHAHA, some people are damn funny.
"we give you discount! It's actually 3 dollars for 3 pieces of bread and a bowl of curry. We give you 6 dollars for 6 pieces and a bowl of curry!!"
So in total, i did 4 hours of shifts. Can DIE. heehee, me, chu, grace and ruiann got to take photos with the Gingerbread man! HAHAHA, all of us were like, awwww, you so cute you so cute! and it was totally silent. And we kept saying so cute! Who's inside ah?
Then this voice said, Suzanne Tan.
HAHAHA, i mean no offence to her, Just that it scared us! HAHAHA, just unexpected, cos i thought it was like Rachel or something.
With all the fun, comes the worst part. The Clean-up. Tiring like mad. Carry tables up and down. Chairs left and right. Perspire perspire. For like one hour. The celebration was fun though! champagne!
Now my legs are sore, aching. Brain frazzled. Skin sunburnt. But i left with fond memories. I will definitely miss IJ when i leave. It's like leaving a home.
A thought struck me. When you look at the sky, just how far are you looking at? What are you looking at?
The world is not like a glass ball. So where's the limit? Where's the boundary of the skies? Is there a boundary of the skies? Why can't the universe be part of the world if there is no clear-cut boundary?
Is there even a limit?
Ruiann and Gingerbread Man
ME and Gingerbread Man
Grace and Gingerbread Man
awww shishi!

love the hair clare!
Dawn and Gingerbread Man (Rachel)
The clowns
Band 7 with people missing :D
chu you make me feel short.
teehee, we look the same height!
ACT CUTE lah chu!
Fine my fault.
It's over.
Whatever lah.
;milk &&cookies!
Today was a really strange day. Started the day with a big bang in the hall with secrets that cannot be told. Really sad though. I started tearing a little when they were talking. Okay maybe i'm just emotionally unstable cause the TIME of the month is nearing. Hormones are weird. Which hormone is it? Progesterone right! Or is oestrogen? HAHAHA, forgot all my biology already ): die ):
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUNZHU! happy sweet 16! you've been a great friend these 4 years :D Hope we stay as good friends for the next few decades! when we're old and our teeth are dropping off, we must all meet up again!
so dumb lah, i wanted to sms you at 12am to wish you. And i fell asleep at 11.50 -.- smart xinhui smart. The lights were on till 5.30am. Brushed my teeth. and slept until 6am and rebrushed my teeth -.-
Okay, during recess, took out the cake and sang a happy birthday song! okay yunzhu said the surprise was a total failure ): she say she saw me and chu leave and she knew something was up ): And she said i almost tripped while holding the cake. THANKS ):
Haha, but anyway hope you like the gift zhuzhu! Try your best to stay youthful huh! I'm the youngest now! :D Wait for me to turn 16 then we can all go watch a NC16 movie!
Okay got back the rest of my papers. Okay certain subjects suck to the core, but i was pleasantly surprised for certain subjects that i have no confidence at all. But yeah, results deproved a lot. My L1R5 is so much higher than last year. I guess it's good in some way. I sort of feel motivated to study. I actually feel like studying now. HAHA, but i shall rest a bit. Maybe start revising my sec 3 foundation next week or something. At least after IJ Fiesta!
OKAY shall take the time to promote IJ FIESTA.
CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh)
Open to public from 2 to 5pm!
Okay today after school, went to watch Christabelle and Junyao sing with my darling dawn. Took the bus, then went into the school and went to find a toilet to pee :D Okay then since Junyao and belle and her friends had walked off without us when we went to e toilet, we wandered around trying to find the place. So we walked walked, and we heard a familiar sound, the trumpet. Okay so we saw Quintus practicing, so we went to ask for directions. I tell you ah, those stupid little boys playing the ball keeping kicking here and there. AIM OKAY AIM PROPERLY LAH. Almost hit me and dawn -.- Okay so got directions, went into the music studio. It was too crowded, felt claustrophobic and immediately walked out. AND i went to play e piano :D Haha, cause my piano isn't in C major, i love practicing on a proper piano which is in tune. Okay played a little of Yiruma's River Flows in You with my jumping hand ): My hand is too small, have to jump from one key to another. Have to rely on the pedal to sustain the note, Pathetic short fingers. Looks dumb ): sounds like staccatos without the pedal. I LOVE PEDALS HAHA
Okay then went on to watch e audition. Okay it was pathetically short -.- for the amount of time we took to get there, it was over in what? one minute? Okay it was an INTERESTING performance. Very unexpected. Anyway then went to Bishan and ate subway with dawn! :D
Then got Noah's Ark from belle, and then was at the bus stop when i saw....
Had a strange convo. Which ended in awkward silence. i tried to converse. Seriously, i initiated like all the topics! Then i gave up after talking about... Band, Exams, Her house's location, Her school.
Went home and played my clarinet. Damn i sound like shit after not practicing for so long. ): sigh.
;milk &&cookies!